Con ayuda de David Allen y de GTD entrenamiento en el cual estoy pila y juiciosa para ser más productiva en todos los niveles (TODOS), hoy me dedicaré durante un par de horas a hacer el balance completo del 2009. Este es mucho más exhaustivo y reflexivo. COMPLETING AND REMEMBERING 2009 Review the list of all completed projects What was your biggest triumph in 2009? Physical: Having a wonderful and enjoyable daily workout for 3 months with a personal trainer. Emotional: I fell in love. Mental: Being less impatient, but there still a long way to go. Spiritual: I created a strong bond with the sun. Financial: I moved to my new apartment and paid all my debts. Family: I achieved my best support logistics for R&R. Community Service: Vigias, Soy Ciudad, la Boquilla Sororo, the workshops at Corregimientos Fun / creativity / recreation: I spent money on what I like to do. What was the smartest decision you made in 2009? Energizing FEM and giving up CIPOL What one word best sums up and de...
10 años de desescolarización, maternidad y feminismo(s)