Through international comparisons, Seligman and colleagues identified five positive personality characteristics that exemplify the best human traits: kindness, fairness, authenticity, gratitude, and open-mindedness (for more details see his 2005 article in American Psychologist). When people focus on these positive characteristics they become socially responsible, kind, courageous, wise, fair, and optimistic. Being positive and optimistic is not only stress buffering but these personal styles provide a set of social-cognitive behaviors that promote good relationships and a happy and productive life. People who exemplify these positive attributes have lives that are full of zest, gratitude, hope, and love. Seligman suggests that these are strongly related to life satisfaction. ver fuente. Uno crea la realidad. No hay duda. Todo el mundo lo dice. El tema es como hacemos para que sea aplicable. Me dan risa estas investigaciones que concluyen, para ser feliz hay que serlo. Es cierto, ciert...